Lambda-mode version 0.10

This page provides an implementation of variable name completion for a core functional language with let polymorphism in Emacs-mode. We are planning to put the syntax of the language here later.


Read the following file about installation.


Current version (version 0.10)
The auto-complete.el is obtained from here.
(The author's website is here in Japanese.)

Lambda mode has been developed with auto-complete.el 0.3.0 alpha. Do not use the other versions of auto-complete since the lambda mode do work correctly with them.

If you cannot get auto-complete.el from the above link, download from here.

Previous version of lambda mode is available here.

User's manual




Comparison the current version with the previous versions

While in the previous versions until version 0.06 not all the candidates are shown in the pop-up window, in the current version all the candidates are shown. Moreover the current version is substantially faster than the previous versions.
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